I knew her Mama before she’d ever even met the man who was to become her Daddy. I sat on her Mamas bed just days after she’d met the man who would become her Daddy. I remember her Mama’s eyes. Sparkly, and shiny. Like her whole world had suddenly been changed. Like a dream she’d had ever since she was young had finally come true. Because it had you see. Kelly had met the love of her life. I knew it, she knew it, everyone around her knew it. Dustin walked into her life and things would never be the same. He made her giggle like a school girl, made her already adorable smile even more adorable. I can remember her describing him to all of us, how her eyes danced when she retold the story of how theyd met. I knew he was the one. I knew it was only a matter of time, before they graduated from college, got engaged, married and started a life together. I watched all that happen for Kelly and Dustin, so when they announced they were bringing a little life into this world its like I had already seen it happen. Sometimes you just know when people’s paths line up, when they meet. And Kelly and Dustins path lead all the way to this baby girl. Sweet Kyla came into this world a few weeks ago, and her Mommy and Daddy would never be the same, just like the day they’d met. Sweet Kyla, it was so incredible to photograph you and your Mama and Daddy. Love yall so much!
Awe Jenn!!! You are so sweet!! I love your write up…brought tears to my eyes. And of course the beautiful pictures. I can’t get enough of them. You are amazing!! Thank you for perfectly capturing our beautiful daughter…it means so very much!