So so happy that I can say this incredible family are frequent guests here on this little ‘ol blog. I’m not even sure where to start with the M. Family. There is so much love that flows between these 4 people its mind blowing. Sometimes when I watch how incredible Martina and Ryan are as parents, it just overwhelms me. Some people just have it. The ability to be awesome at parenting. They show those kids so much love, they let them be who they are while still remaining in control, they let them grown and have fun all along the way. Martina had a health scare right before their session so I was so so SO happy to be able to photograph this family. I wanted to show just where they were at in this particular moment in life. I hope I was able to capture that. Martina, Ryan, Emma and Ben, love yall SO much!! Hope to see you all again very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
As proof at how amazing these two are as parents, we decided to stop for a little family ice cream break. hehe, and we photographed it. :-) Sometimes you just need ice cream for dinner!
The last three pics of the kids with the ice cream might be my favorite of your kid photos ever! Look at that mess!!! Love it. What a fun family!
lOVE the ice cream pics! Little kids sure know how to really enjoy some ice cream!